Imagination Can Reduce Pain

The pain in the abdomen in children it can be reduced only by imagination. The results of the research team at the University of North Carolina and Duke University Medical Center, USA, is set out in the journal Pediatrics and was quoted BBC News website on Monday (12/10).

The research team asked the children to imagine the time was lying on a cloud for 20 minutes. The result, children who were admitted stomach pain lessened. The researchers speculate that 1 in 5 children often experience abdominal pain for no apparent reason. In this study, there are 15 of 30 children aged 6-15 are given the compact disc (CD) contains a "guide the imagination" and is used for eight weeks, while the remainder received normal treatment.

The result, 73.3 percent of the 15 children who were given a CD claiming their abdominal pain decreased gradually. As there are only 26.7 percent of the 15 children who were not given a CD that claimed to feel less pain. Dr. van Tilburg Miranda who led the research team was mentioned, at least the kids now know how to reduce pain.

"The kids have imagination better than adults," he said. Prof. David Candy, a child health consultant at Western Hospital Sussex, England, admitted often treat patients with treatment "hypnosis" and proved successful, but he has not tried to treat the imagination. "Pain in the abdomen is often experienced by the children so they had to not go to school," he said. (LUK)

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