Food and Drugs Must Include Halal Label

Medicine and food products and cosmetics are expected to include a label kosher consumers in the safe use of these products.

Chairman of the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) South Sumatra (South Sumatra) KH.M.Sodikun in Palembang, Thursday said it has long appealed to all medicinal products, including cosmetics, food halal label set.

Inclusion of the halal label is a must, because consumers want safe in choosing a product to be consumed and used, he said again.

However, kosher labels attached certification must have local MUI known, he said again.

"It's not just writing halal label attached but there must be certification, because it had been studied halls Food and Drug Administration (POM) and MUI," said KH.M.Sodikun.

According to him, actually kosher labels have long advised the MUI due to drugs and food halal and haram primarily the responsibility of the institution.

So do restaurants have to put a label kosher because until now this has not been much, he said.

Indeed, now halal products is still in the discussion of the Parliament is expected in the near future will be completed, he said.

Eating forbidden foods will affect health, including moral development of society that need to be avoided, he added.

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