Download Google Earth

With Google Earth can find locations by typing the address or view images from the space.Can find local businesses and activities ,look the distances and route before a trip and real images from cities around the World.Can find restaurants,schools,place of interests and see locations in 3D.Can add places to favorites and make notes on the maps.

Editor's review
Is a science,image and education program.The main function is to provide maps images by satellite with location in the entire world .You can locate a place and see images with Google Earth. Important: in the bottom you have the percent of page loading (wait until hundred percent loading to see best images)
Menu have an important feature: Search function. It is a detailed searching for location entire planet .Can find for you traffic,weather,terrain and different places of your interest.You can type an address (second avenue,for example) and press Enter. Google Earth will show you a general map with all the streets surrounding this avenue.If you click two times on an avenue the image will be more closer.With scroll function of your mouse you can see the image bigger or smaller .If you press left click and keep press, you can drag the image left,down,right or up.Than use again the zoom function.
You can see images in detail.With this software you can go in any part of the World with a few clicks.You can enable 3D view or use Find businesess option.
If you have to travel to another location, type the point of start and the destination and will show you the route with the name of the location until the destination and the specific route (highlighted with colors). You can add a placemark (type the name to recognize later the place);the latitude and the longitude will be saved (North,South,East,West); set the altitude of the mark ad on the image map.
In the right you have an image button- Switch between Sky and Earth. If you switch m you will see planets,start and galaxy with images and pictures provided by Hubble Telescope ( On Google Earth Sky you can see images and cannot search planets yet. You can print or send by email informations founded directly from interface. Users of Plus version have GPS option to find routes,tracks or waypoints (is a feature available for buy at Can add content to your Google Earth importing files with .kmz extension from the official site of Google. You can rotate with drag the globe and go manually to a specific region.You can find by your own addresses ,but is more easy if you use search function.Always, in the bottom you will have the geographic coordinates. Images and informations are provided by NASA ( in collaboration with Europa Technologies and Tele Atlas. Up , in the right ,you have a rotating screen pad made for easier surf on Google Earth satellite images.With the vertical column you ca zoom in or zoom out.


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